Christmas Day 1997: My mom & dad gave me the best gift I would know until this point in life. I loved Weebles unconditionally and for the last thirteen years I've been blessed with the best dog ever! I really mean it--he was cute and tiny (before cute & tiny was so Paris Hilton), loving, easy going, quiet (except when he made that screeching bird noise) & smart (um, he's the only dog I know who has a degree from The University of Alabama, hehe!). Weebs moved to college w/me in 2003 and has depended on me for everything since.
My monkey moo moo! Weebles was approx. 8 years old here.
I had no clue what all Weebles would teach me over the last seven years...Looking back he taught me to always be happy to see those you love, approach each day & each new experience with enthusiasm, never underestimate the power of praise, play every chance you get, don't be afraid to show your joy, when you are happy - show it, wiggle & wag, take lots of naps and always stretch and yawn before you get up, never turn down a car ride with someone you love, be loyal, don't hold a grudge, when someone is having a bad day - nuzzle him gently, ALWAYS have dessert first and enjoy anything that's offered, sleep in any position you find comfortable, protect and defend those you love, what you look like doesn't matter - it's what is in your heart and most importantly enjoy every day to it's fullest - even if you are sick, in pain, deaf or blind.
My two favs!
Weebles Carter Comer was part of the "nonrefundable" package Paul received when we got married. For those of you who don't know...My mother informed Paul when he asked for their permission that there were NO refunds! :) Ha, it's a good thing he hasn't looked back on his decision.
This past Fourth of July weekend I looked into those beautiful brown eyes and I could see Weebles was tired and crying for help. There was no quality of life left, just pain and suffering. If you think about your dog’s wants and well being, ask yourself what does he want? The answer is actually pretty simple. Your dog wants fun, love, attention, and good health.
My dad once told me that your pet is for your enjoyment, I'm not sure at the time I understood exactly what he meant. I'm sure I was telling him not to feed Weebles something unhealthy or giving him too many treats. :) I think I finally understand the meaning of "It's a Dog's Life". The idea of a Dog's Life is Fun, Energy, Love, Attention and a healthy body that doesn't hold him back.
One of the most loving and unconditional relationships you will ever have is with your dog. Their sense of loyalty and devotion cannot be compared to any other. In return for the companionship they provide, it is our responsibility to show them love and take care of them. Sometimes taking care of them involves making one of the toughest decisions ever. There may come a time when you are faced with the heart break of having to put your beloved dog to sleep. It may seem like an unthinkable decision, but it may be the most loving and selfless thing you can do for your best friend. I had to make this hard decision this past Christmas Eve when I found Weebles at the most uncomfortable state I'd ever seen him. :( It was VERY hard, actually the hardest day ever. If I recall, Paul told someone years ago that the day Weebles passed would be his worst day. I actually rejoiced Christmas Day knowing my baby was in Heaven enjoying his new, healthy body with our Lord Jesus on his birthday.
Weebs has always offered me companionship, comfort, loyalty and piece of mind, when I needed it most. What I did for him couldn't even begin to compare to what he had done for me, for so many years. Deep in my heart I hoped he would just go peacefully in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, I had been prolonging this for five months.
I'll end with sharing this verse, Luke 12:6: Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. I believe this verse speaks directly to God's love for his creation, even the small and inexpensive birds sold for pennies but God cares about the suffering and life of each and every animal in his creation.
Tarayn and Weebles 2005 during a visit home from NYC
This summer while living w/my parents
One of weebles fav spots while living at my parents this summer
taken this past year
Sept. 2010 ROLL TIDE!